Call for Instructors

IAFN is currently seeking applicants for didactic training instructors. This training includes both the Adult/Adolescent and Pediatric/Adolescent Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner Courses. Training follows the IAFN SANE Education Guidelines and is held over 5 full days.

Apply Here

IAFN is also seeking applicants for instructors for our Adult/Adolescent Clinical Skills Lab (CSL) training. The CSL follows the Adult/Adolescent Sexual Assault Nurse/Forensic Examiner (SANE/SAFE) Clinical Skills Lab Curriculum.

This training is held over 2 full days and live simulated patients (GTAs) are utilized. This 16-hour clinical simulation training is done in an effort to assist learners in becoming competent in the performance of the adult sexual assault medical forensic examination.

Apply Here

  • Didactic and CSL trainings are held in the continental US and internationally as travel permits.
  • Verification of completion of SANE didactic training is required.
  • A minimum of three years of practice is required.
  • Upon completion of the application and verification of materials you will be contacted with next steps. The didactic application process will require a brief (10 minute) teaching demonstration. This can be done live and/or recorded and submitted. Further instructions specific to the demonstration will follow.

If you have any questions please email or call 410-626-7805 ext.118.