Membership Committee


The purpose of the membership committee is to educate forensic nurses and associates on the importance of membership to the International Association of Forensic Nurses. The committee also promotes and supports the IAFN by increasing and retaining membership.


  • Create personal touches to new and current members by making phone calls and sending emails
  • Solicit members’ testimonials that can be used in publication.
  • Contribute reviews and testimonials on IAFN’s products and services to enhance credibility
  • Research developing a mentorship program
  • Give feedback on current member benefits through email, phone calls or focus groups.
  • Provide comment on the annual membership survey tool and review analysis
  • Promote Forensic Nurse Week globally
  • Peer Recognition
  • Assess member engagement and make report to board on ways to increase engagement
  • Review retention strategies; submit retention rates to board annually