2024 Election Candidates
The International Association of Forensic Nurses presents to you the IAFN, select IAFN Foundation, IAFN Nominating Committee and Commission for Forensic Nursing candidates who if elected will begin serving their respective terms in January 2025. The uncontested election is open to all members of the association.
To vote, look for the email that will be sent to you on September 1st. That email contains a unique link that will allow you to vote for this year’s candidates. Missed the email? Don’t worry we’ll send a few reminders before the election ends!
The 2024 voting period is open September 1-30, 2024. Results can be expected late October.
For questions, please contact the Nominating Committee’s Staff Liaison, Sarah Jimenez-Valdez, sarahjv@forensicnurses.org
Shalotta Sharp
As an elected official with IAFN, I will continue to do the work and be the voice for the organization. I’m fortunate in that I work with multiple agencies that serve those impacted by violence. I will tap into these relationships and use those opportunities to educate regarding our organization. I will consider the needs of the organization and how to best build bridges in areas where IAFN can be impactful. I’ve said this many times, “Forensic Nursing is the best kept secret in the Medical Community.” I will utilize my opportunity as a leader, and the broad connections I’ve established personally and professionally to be the voice of IAFN. I will work diligently to bring IAFN and the voice of Forensic Nurses into the forefront of serving those impacted by violence. This journey will be multifaceted. This journey will be inclusive. This journey will be impactful. It will be an honor and privilege to serve, grow and learn.
Jocelyn Anderson
As the current IAFN/IAFNF Treasurer, I hope to continue in this role for the 2025-2026 term. During my time serving IAFN – first the IAFNF Board and now the combined Boards – we have undertaken several steps to grow and sustain our organizations moving forward. This has included restructuring the Boards and bringing in the Public Equity Group to complete a comprehensive assessment of the organization’s strategic plan. This assessment and restructuring has set us up, the Board and staff, with a set of next steps around updating and implementing the next iteration of the strategic plan. This includes continuing to expand our reach globally while maintaining strong offerings for our members in North America. I hope that by being a consistent presence on the Board I can contribute towards institutional knowledge in achieving these goals. Specifically, as the treasurer, I hope to continue to work with the staff, members, and Board to implement strategies to ensure the organization maintains is strong financial position.
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Brenda Dzierzawski
I’m so excited to be nominated to serve as a Director at Large for the IAFN/IAFNF. This would be a new experience for me and a welcomed opportunity. When I found Forensic Nursing, my passion for nursing was reignited. Previously, I’d cared for critically ill patients but didn’t know how to provide resources away from the bedside. I have spent the last seven years honing my skills and learning to broaden my care at the secondary and tertiary levels. Now, I’m honored to be someone given the chance to assist in broadening those skills for others. In both my academic and examiner roles, I strive to be a respectful mentor and advocate for those around me. As I continue to grow as a provider, my personal and professional goals are also expanding. I now believe, to truly make a difference, the focus must turn to the primary level. Our concentration needs to shift to education and prevention, changing how we see and treat each other in our respective societies. This is the outlook I hope to incorporate as a Director at Large. I would bring a wealth of nursing and leadership experience, a fresh perspective, and a positive outlook to the role. I plan to integrate the mission and vision of IAFN into every decision I’m involved in. I will also keep an open mind and embrace the differences we all bring with us. I hope to be transparent in my sincerity for the vulnerable populations I serve and the steadfast nurses I stand alongside. I truly appreciate you considering to vote for me.
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Corrine Phillips
As one of the newest Directors at Large for the IAFN Board of Directors, I would be thrilled to serve our community on an international level. With eight years of experience as a forensic nurse, I am committed to leading strategic planning for prevention efforts and enhancing the care we provide to survivors of sexual violence.
My goal is to inspire more nurses to join this field and strengthen our organization. I envision a world where communities are fully informed about forensic nursing—understanding who we are, what we do, and why our work is essential.
I am committed to advancing educational opportunities on sexual violence globally, ensuring they are diverse, equitable, and inclusive for all communities. By enhancing community awareness and developing effective strategies, we can ensure a safer environment for everyone. Together, we can build a stronger, more knowledgeable community focused on supporting survivors and advancing the growth of forensic nursing.
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Maija Anderson
To paraphrase what someone once said about leaders, “A good leader has to fully understand what it means to follow, to be what is perceived as the most insignificant part of the team, to bust his (or her) hump to accomplish a mission.” That statement embodies the way that I choose to engage in everything that I do.
I recognize that forensic nursing is an evolving specialty, like all nursing specialties. What I also recognize is that for actionable change to occur – for the specialty to move forward, there need to be leaders in place who are equipped, by way of experience, education and values, to lead in that space. I am running because I know that I can be an effective member of the leadership team. I am running because I recognize that there needs to be diversity of thought, of ideas.
I intend to “lead by listening.” I want to be on the team that engages membership; that lifts up all forensic nurses. I intend to “speak truth to power” as it especially those who have been historically disenfranchised. I’m up to the challenge, and I look forward to being a member of the team leading IAFN forward.
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Katlyn Nofziger
Since joining the Child Advocacy Center and SANE team at Nationwide Children’s in 2019, I have been dedicated to helping vulnerable populations. My passion for the forensic world may have had a cliché start with growing up wanting to do Dr. Huang’s job, from Law and Order – SVU. However, my time in this role has shown it is nothing like that and the amount of advocacy to be done is still great. My hopes if selected for the IAFN Nominating Committee is to uplift those in leadership roles for the forensic community and have a higher platform to advocate for those who have experienced violence and trauma. My goal is to promote leaders who can continue to grow and standardize forensic nursing and ensure trauma-informed, patient-centered care.
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Commission for Forensic Nursing Certification
The CFNC candidate selection process is managed by the commission. The IAFN Nominating Committee does not participate in the CFNC selection process.
Barbara Rome
I am running for this position because knowledge and expertise will be valuable in this position. My 30 plus years of nursing experience in various roles as well as over twenty-five years as a Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner will help me in this role. I run the Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner Program (SANE) at Northern Westchester Hospital and have a New York State Department of Health approved SANE training program that I teach biannually to address the shortage of trained providers in New York State.
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